Act 2, Scene 1:
Library for ChinatownLocation: Chinatown, New York
Critics: Eva Perez de Vega
Archived: Spring 2017
The library for performing arts in Chinatown, Manhattan, accomodates disparate spatial necessities for researchers and visiting occupants. Through the circulatory division of these dwellers, form is molded around spatial and programmatic requirements, making the architecture itself as experiential and performative as the work it houses.
The user demographic varies between those who go to study, and those who go to visit the theater and area. Because of these two user typologies, the circulation biforcated and split around the central void. One path, a shorter, and more direct path, is for the researcher. From this path, extensions and pulls were made to create study spaces, and special archive rooms which focused on research and concentrated learning. A longer and more performative path for the typical visitor or tourist, stretches into more cinematic urban viewing lounges, stacks, and outdoor spaces.